Obtaining a digital representation of a city (Urban Digital Twin) assumes timely and thorough data collection that follows a precise method divided into three steps:

  • acquisition,
  • processing,
  • restitution.

The three phases are managed through a dedicated platform that integrates purpose-built cross-cutting technologies.

The basis of the dashboards is the integration of different sources and different datasets that, when correlated, give rise to the indicators that address different themes and issues.
The data used to construct the indices are all Open Data in the Thematic Dashboards that are based, for example, on satellite data reprocessed and correlated with ISTAT, ISPRA, or data published by other institutions.


Raw data is collected through specific surveys, carried out both outdoors and indoors using the following technologies:

  • Mobile Mapping System,
  • Static laser scanners,
  • Drones.


The processing phase involves the implementation of the assets required by the institution, which can be summarized in the following list:

  • Access and house numbers
  • Road signs
  • Toponymic signals
  • Billboards
  • Light points
  • Trees
  • Public green
  • Urban furnishings
  • storm drain
  • Stalls and parking spaces
  • Cadastre of roads
  • Graves and cemetery registry.
  • Public and private buildings


The platform at this point is able to reproduce any data or information from the real world in the virtual world, so as to create a pair of perfectly identical twins (Digital Twin).

Representation of a monument through a point cloud. Digital Twin Data

The graphical representation is derived from spherical images and 3D point clouds, which combined together create a true DIGITAL TWIN of the highest detail for the entire surveyed area, which can be navigated electronically, to inspect, analyze and evaluate individual locations, without the need for physical surveys and access. A platform for navigating and consulting the city in 3D, with centimeter accuracies and extremely high detail.

Wiseland uses a platform to collect Digital Twin Data and process it through all the necessary steps.

Wiseland is the first Italian business network for the Digital Twin and is founded by Geolander.it and WiseTown.